Outside In: LGBTQ (Cert 15) 27th October 2022 (6:00PM)

Personal perspectives and tales of gender identity and queerness. racial identity, sensual awakening, a transgender experience in Tehran, an  homage to a love lost and the drive to have an unusual love counted come together in this program of LGBTQ shorts. 



Dir/Wri: Nata Zverovich

United States 2020, 8 min 06 sec, Cert 12A

A loving and frank first person conversation about identity, gender queerness, sexual identification and the unlimited variations in each.


Dir/Wri: Mehrdad Hassani

Islamic Republic of Iran, 2020, 17 min, Cert 15

A queer village boy who wants to wear nailpolish is bitten by his classmates.


Dir/Wri/Prod: Andrew Hassenruck

United Kingdom, 2020, 5 min 30 sec, Cert 15

A first person observation on the experience of patriotic identity, racial identity and the impact of behaviours defined by privilege.


Dir: Saman Haghighivand, Wri: Saman Haghighivand, Fatemeh Pourhashemi, Prod: Sahameddin Bahrami, Niloufar Keshavarz Motamed

Islamic Republic of Iran, 2020, 19 min 50 sec, Cert 12A

A trans woman is on her way to a job interview in Tehran.


Di: Mike Esperanza, Prod: Joel Mejia Smith

United States, 2020, 10 min 25  sec, Cert 15

A man, trapped by the memories of a past lover and haunted by his isolation, processes his loss through dance.


Dir/Wri: Alireza Mohammadi, Prod: Alireza Mohammadi, Saeid Ataei

Islamic Republic of Iran, 2021, 19 min 59 sec, Cert 12A

After hearing that a census is about to start in Iran, a man does everything he can to have his lover added to the count.


Dir/Wri: Rosemary Baker, Prod: Rosemary Baker, Agata Mastalerz

United Kingdom, 2020, 5 min, Cert 15

Visual art and poetry combine to reclaim the use of the word ‘Lesbian’.


TRT: 85 min 50 sec

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