Student: Student Shorts (Cert 15) 27th October 2022 (4:00PM)

A phone call acts as a catalyst, a toy that connects, imaginary companions, ancient news runners, a seaside village, a sailor longing for home, a story of child separation and a magical mirror film. This delightful program of films by students and new filmmakers. 



Dir: Inga Pohjolainen, Wri: Tanja Lebedeff, Prod: Nora Kuusisto

Finland, 2021, 16 min 22 sec, Cert 15

A sudden phone call changes the direction of Joonas’ summer, forcing him to open up to his new workmates and to face shame. 


Dir/Wri: Pedro Henrique Chaves, Prod: Henrique Chaves

Brazil, 2020, 15 min 10 sec, Cert 12A

In the heart of the city, a toy attracts thousands of people and brings different generations together. 


Dir: Amos Menin, Wri: Amos Menin, Megan Decaluwe, Prod: Amos Menin, Megan Decaluwe

United Kingdom, 2020, 9 min 58 sec, Cert 15

A  seven year old boy is torn from his home in Dresden on Kristallnacht, rushed across the border into Czechoslovakia to escape the Nazis in Germany, then ripped from his parents on the eve of war. 


Dir/Wri: Xavier Brydges, Prod: Kelly Webster

Australia, 2019, 18 min 39 sec, Cert 15

Struggling with her family and school, Clementine’s only constant companion is an imaginary, shadowy figure that hangs on her mind.


Dir/Wri/Prod: Hugo Long

Australia, 2020, 4 min 02 sec, Cert 12

A Roman runner must deliver news of the destruction of Pompeii to the Emperor.


Dir/Wri: Tom Hamilton,  Prod: Noël Issei Keneth Myatt

United Kingdom, 2019, 7 min 46 sec, Cert 15

A man’s lonely life in a quiet seaside town is interrupted when a mysterious woman emerges from the sea.



Dir: Aliona Baranova Prod: Lukáš Gregor

Czech Republic, 2020, 5 min 40  sec, Cert 12

A huge sailor receives a lovely autumn leaf from a little girl. It reminds him of his home. 


Dir/Wri: Leila Murton Poole, Prod: Leila Murton Poole, ara Gonzales, Leila Murton Poole

Australia, 2020, 16 min 35 sec, Cert 15

When Mathilde breaks Madame B’s most prized possession, a magical mirror, she goes on a journey to fix it. 

TRT: 86 min 21 sec


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