Student: Salford Student Shorts (Cert 15) 23rd Oct 2022 (1:00PM)

A collection of imaginative shorts from University of Salford students. Covering a wide range of genres and techniques, this programme bodes well for the future of Mancunian filmmaking.


At University of Salford, Film Production students are taught by seasoned professional filmmakers. It’s a practical course, with an enviable storeroom of top-quality equipment allowing the students to achieve high production values. There’s always a keen eye on entering the business, of preparing the students for film work. Paramount for this preparation are the student films themselves, where we strive for festival quality. And here they are, for your consideration. By Jeremiah Quinn (Film Production Lecturer and award-winning film maker).


Dir: Nicky D’Arcy 

5 mins 

After a DJ loses his job, he rediscovers his love for the music. 

Sinister Sales 

Dir: Ben Robertson 

11 mins 

On his first day at work our hero realises he has done a deal with some sort of devil in this madcap comedy. 


The Dane 

Dir: Adam Harrison 

19 mins 

A tale of conflict and connection between an Anglo-Saxon fisherman and a Danish Viking, upon the weathered coasts of ninth century England. 

Caller ID 

Dir: Sam Ogunbiyi 

9 mins 

A man calls himself from the future to warn that the Manchester Masher has escaped prison. 

Memories from the Bomb 

Dir: Edward Tramaseur 

10 mins 

Two high schoolers enjoy their summer holidays before being rudely interrupted by nuclear war. 


Dir: Criostai Newhall 

15 mins 

To her father’s annoyance, May’s intrigue about her mother increases. She sets off on her own space adventure in an effort to see her, but along the way, she must encounter the truth. 


Banana Bread (and the Fear of Female Desire) 

Dir: Madeleine Dales 

8 mins 

The Devil!  Cake!  Poison!  The film that has it all. 


The Last Drop 

Dir: Conrad Buckley 

7 mins 

There’s a dame, a wise guy and a drop, see?  Wanna know more?  Watch da movie, sucker. 

Six Weeks in Cairo 

Dir: Joe Macaulay 

10 mins 

Joseph survives Gallipoli, and if he can learn Arabic in six weeks in hospital he’ll survive the war and have a grandson called Joseph Macauley who will make this film. 


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