We Love Manchester 26/11/18 & 30/11/18

Presented in Association with Work.Life.



A tribute to our much-loved home city, a wide-ranging selection of locally produced shorts, which tries to capture the wit, the grit, the manic energy, the romance, the dance, the willingness to take a chance, the darkness and the light, the threat and the regret, the poetry and the pagentry, the fantasy and the magic that make Manchester what it is.

Monday 26th November at 8.30pm (Main screening)

NIAMOS sc.1 (Nia Cultural Centre), Chichester Road, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU

(Repeat Screening Friday 30th November at 8.00pm)

NIAMOS 2, Chichester Rd/Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU

Get Tickets here

JUST SOMEONE I KNOW               

North West Premiere

Dir: Ashley Pegg, Prod: Parvez Qadir, Wri: Regina Moriarty

UK, 2017, 8 min

Tam, 14, has been bought bright new trainers by a much older man who works at the garage, and her best friend Sash is worried.


Greater Manchester Premiere

Dir: Abel Graham, Prod / Cast: Marcus Christopherson, Wri / Cast: Sam Hotchin, Cast: Josh Hart, Jasmine Isli

UK, 2018, 1 min 58 sec

If you’ve ever repeated the same phrases over and over again then you can empathise with this group of hapless charity fundraisers.


Manchester Premiere

Dir: Chris Green, Prod / Cast: Lucinda Sinclair, Wri: Derek Martin.

UK, 2017, 8 min 50 sec

When you meet ‘the one’ you just know. This is the person I want to be with, to spend the rest of my life with. But what if that person is the same sex? And you’re already in a heterosexual relationship?

A MINUTE’S SILENCE                     

World Premiere

Dir / Wri: Jo Lane, Wri: Monica Sagar.

UK, 2017, 3 min 03 sec
One man’s misguided patriotism leads him to attempt to ‘take back’ control in a destructive and harmful manner.


World Premiere

Dir: J Eckersley, Prod / Cast: Lyndsay Rowan, Wri: Paul McIntire.

UK, 2018, 15 min

Death, sister issues and a bigger journey than any road trip.


UK Premiere

Dir / Prod / Wri: Aneel Ahmad.  

UK, 2018, 3 min 30 sec

Following a brutal attack, a young woman is faced with a decision that will force her to confront her innermost demons.


UK Premiere

Dir / Prod / Wri: Joseph Simmons.

UK, 2017, 7 min 35 sec

A man prepares to have his consciousness uploaded to a computer that dreams of swimming.


Manchester Premiere

Dir / Prod / Wri: Jack Levy, Prod: Darren Langlands.

UK, 2017, 14 min

John and Rebecca attend a gig in town only to find that the headline act, Nick, has some disturbingly committed fans.


Dir / Wri: Ben Mottershead, Prod: Judith Chan.

UK, 2018, 14 min 57 sec

Hapless, geeky call-centre worker gets in touch with his inner barbarian…


North West Premiere

Dir / Prod: Adele Myers, Prod: FilmPoem, The National Poetry Society UK, Wri: Patrick Errington, .

UK, 2017, 6 min 10 sec

A couple struggle with letting go. How to end their relationship? They must, but do they really want to?

FOREVER MANCHESTER                  

World Premiere

Dir / Prod: Iain Cash, Wri: David Stokes.

UK, 2018, 11 min 12 sec

When news breaks of the bombing at Manchester Arena on May 22nd 2017, James and Lisa Barnes experience every parent’s worst nightmare.

TRT: 92 min 55 sec

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