Posts in Kinofilm 2017

Kinofilm 2017 Awards Winners, Runners Up and Special Mentions.

Following November’s 14th Kinofilm Festival we announced our winners and special mentions on our Facebook page. We are pleased to announce here the award winners and Special mentions[…]

14th Edition Kinofilm Festival Award Nominations, Ceremony and Screening. 26/11/17

Below you will find who has been nominated for our awards, taking place at our awards gala tonight at 6pm (arrival)  with the presentations beginning[…]

Stars in Shorts Programme: 12.00 Sun 26/11/17

Where would film be without its stars? Even in the world of shorts, we find famous faces. Whoopi Goldberg and Peter Mullen, Shia LeBeouf and[…]

Horror Shorts Programme: 8.30pm Sat 25/11/17

Guilty family secrets and sinister furniture, the perils of the bar-room pick up and the alienation of the morning after, a challenge to the food[…]


Talk and Preview Screening by BAFTA award winning director Gavin Searle. Television is one the main ways British people encounter The Other, but in an[…]

British New Wave Prog 3: 6.30pm Sat 25/11/17

We’ve bereavement and bad timing, depression and self-delusion, bucket lists and bloody-mindedness in our third British Programme. EDITH  (Dir: Christian Cooke, Wri: Ray Robinson, Prod:[…]

British New Wave Prog 2: 4.30pm Sat 25/11/17

We’ve an agoraphobic romantic and a merry widow, a hapless detective and a frustrated filmmaker, a brace of vengeful sons and a nightmare job interview[…]

British New Wave Prog 1: 2.30pm Sat 25/11/17

We’ve unusual houseguests and unexpected encounters, a West Country Western and a Liverpool revenge-noir in the first of our British Programmes. IN THIS HOUSE    (Wri[…]

Brit Films for the weekend – In Another Life, Sat 25/11/17

Kicking of at 12.00 noon screening and discussion of local filmmaker Jason Wingard’s first feature IN ANOTHER LIFE. Following the screening Jason and co-producer Hannah[…]

Get Ready! The Opening Gala is here! (Sat 18th Nov 2017 7-11pm)

It’s Sat the 18th November and it’s time for our opening night at the Odeon Great Northern Cinema (formally AMC Cinema). The activities kick of[…]

Manchester’s International Short Film Festival Returns for the 14th Edition! Nov 2017

14th Edition KINOFILM FESTIVAL 18TH TO 26TH NOVEMBER We are just over 2 weeks away from our opening ceremony and we’re excited to announce that[…]


The preparation for Kinofilm Festival 2017 is coming along smoothly and we have a jam-packed schedule of films and events to suit every filmmaker and[…]


We are excited to announce that a month ago we appointed the new Festival Manager to assist deliver this year’s Kinofilm festival. Our new Festival Manager is[…]