Kino Flash Pop-Up Festival in Withington, 22 – 29 August

Cinema’s Coming Home 

20 years after the closure of the iconic Cine City, legendary Manchester short film festival operators Kinofilm are bringing cinema back to Withington, a rather funky community of Manchester.

The pop-up flash festival will run from Sunday 22nd – Sunday 29th August screening in super-cool new venue Café Blah 418 Wilmslow Road Road. Withington, M20 3BW

With screenings in our second venue the recently reconstituted Withy Public Hall a community interest company, at 2 Burton Road. Withington,M20 3ED

The festival will show around 200 short films drawing from our online international festival in May finally giving the chance for some live screenings in the two boutique venues on pop-up screens. The Festival will include some specially curated programmes added for an extra Withingtonian kick.

Sunday 22nd kicks off at 7.30pm with a live musical and visual performance outside Café Blah by Gas Tank presenting unique hand-shot footage from the Deep South of USA. Live musical accompaniment will feature minimalist guitar and harmonica delivered through vintage gas pumps, soundtracking night driving, back roads and desolation in an authentic Americana mise-en-scene.

We then offer a massive 27 programmes of 90+ minutes of short films over 7 days including: Horror, Sci-Fi, Crime, Comedy, LGBTQ and loads of other genres with selections of the best shorts submitted in our country categories from Spain, France, Italy, Poland and Iran.

Highlights include:

-A retrospective and Q&A with notorious Avant Garde Manc short film director Steve Manford

Stars in Shorts; a spectacular programme featuring many famous faces

– A brilliant collection of football themed short films

-A Saturday afternoon matinee at Withy Hall (Animated shorts. Cert 12A. 1pm)

-An eclectic selection of films from local filmmakers.

Kino’s international Award Winners from this year’s online festival

Fuel café bar will be hosting a Late Night Local Filmmakers Hangout 11-12pm Monday – Wednesday to which everyone is welcome and a closing party with DJ’s and other entertainment on Saturday 28th till 2am.


full details and tickets for all programmes which are priced at £5+ booking fee go to Kino’s Eventbrite page.

For an overview and links to all events / tickets go to ALLEVENTS/INMANCHESTER 

More information about the full programme can be found on our Facebook 

For Festival and press information please email Festival Manager Rafe Conn at Email  or call direct on tel: 07772 984 702

All Kino partnership, sponsorship or screening opportunities contact the Festival Director John Wojowski via this Email.

Thanks to the lovely Withington venues for hosting our flash pop-up Kino Withington Festival week. Thanks also for Festival art work by Elliot Ratcliffe

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