Posts in Outside In

LGBT Shorts Programme 01/12/18 at 6.00pm

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) There’s young love and sexual experimentation, tourism and flirtation, punk rock, magic, morticians,[…]

top 10 kino

Alumni Programme 01/12/18 at 2.00pm

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) Advisory Cert 15 Sat 1st Dec 2.00 NIAMOS 2, Chichester Rd/Warwick St, Manchester M15[…]

Refugees 29/11/18

What does it mean to be a refugee? To lose everything – home, country, friends, family. To gamble everything on the hope of a new[…]

Microshorts 28/11/18

Sometimes, brevity is the soul of wit. And of concise and incisive filmmaking. This programme is designed to demonstrate this. We’ve mobile phone films and[…]

Experimental Shorts 26/11/18 – 4pm at Niamos sc2

There’s repressed emotions and subconscious animals, mental illness in a hand-painted realm, the parasitical pathology of a hypochondriac, a compulsive cuboid’s battle with a belligerent[…]