KINOFILM FESTIVAL 18th Edition October 2022

Kino are pleased to announce the 18th edition of the Festival will take place October 18th – 30th 2022.

We are now presenting the festival that was originally due to take place 2021 festival was moved to 2022 to make way for the 2020 covid postponed festival from 2020, which was presented in two parts in March and October last year (International online in March and National selection in October). The festival that we are presenting this month is the revamped and postponed edition from 2021. We hope you will support and enjoy the festival.

The festival will take place over 12 days in total including two special FREE preview screenings of Spanish and Italian Shorts programmes. Tickets for these two screenings will be in demand and should be booked in advance.

The festival main venue will be our latest partner venue, in the wonderful Mini-Cine at Ducie Street Warehouse, Piccadilly, Manchester. Screenings at DSW will take place from Saturday 22nd October. The festival previews will be held at the Instituto Cervantes on Deansgate. The FREE preview screenings and wine reception will take place on WED 19th October with Spanish Shorts programme, and on Thursday 20th October with Italian Shorts programme. Both these screenings are FREE presented in partnership with the Instituto Cervantes Manchester and Societa’ Dante Alighieri Manchester


Ticket and passes for the festival are available on our EventBrite page soon – these are being added daily, please check back to the site for regular updates. Individual screening event tickets are available or day passes or a week pass. To see details of all the programmes please go to our Eventbrite page where you can also buy all tickets and passes.


Individual Screening Tickets will be £4.00 in advance (plus booking fee) or £5 on the door. Please note we do not have card facilities at the venue so make sure you have cash.

Value Festival Day Pass from £7.50 to £12 (plus booking fee) access to all screening on the day you purchase the ticket for.

Full Festival Pass for 10 days from Friday 21st – 30th October is only £40

Super Value Festival Pass for 7 days from 24th – 30th is only £30 for the week (access all screenings)  available up to 24th Oct.

Festival Passes. If you’re a filmmaker with a film in the festival you will be eligible for Festival Passes, registration is available now here. Please note only two festival passes per film, priority goes to Director / Producer / Writer and applications must come from the director or producer or contact us first if you are representing the film as the director / producer is not available. To register for your accreditation click on the link here or please contact us at


Please see the list below for the programmes that are appearing in our October 18th edition.. For participating filmmakers, if one of your films in one of these programmes then you should have heard from us by now, if not then please contact us to confirm the programme that your film will be screening in.

OCTOBER 18th EDITION (19th – 30th October) 

Themes and Categories Programmes (full programme to be confirmed shortly)

  • British New Wave Programme 1
  • British New Wave Programme 2
  • British New Wave Programme 3
  • Made Up North
  • Greater Manchester Programme 1
  • Greater Manchester Programme 2
  • UK Student Shorts
  • UK Women in Film
  • Kino Alumni Shorts
  • Newcomers (First Films)
  • Micro Shorts
  • LGBTQ Shorts
  • Spanish Shorts
  • Italian Shorts
  • Kino Shorts Awards Programme and Ceremony


Ways you you can help us.

Volunteers. Do you have useful skills or film festival experience, or just eager to get involved in the Festival? If so we need your help now. So if you fancy volunteering on this year’s festival or are even available now, please read our volunteers section, complete the form and we’ll be in touch. We are recruiting volunteers now, your chance to get involved now, gain new friends and valuable experience whilst watching lots of films for free.

More announcements soon. Please check back regularly.

A great thanks to Rusty Apper for the Festival Poster. We think he did a great job, hope you agree.

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