Kinofilm Festival Postponed Due To COVID-19

It is with great regret that we must announce postponement of this year’s KinoFilm Festival due to the worsening Coronavirus outbreak.

With yesterday’s announcement from The World Health Organisation that Covid-19 has reached pandemic status, and the fact that one of our venues has just this morning cancelled all of its foreseeable public events. The possibility of an involuntary festival shut-down seems to be drawing closer.

We feel in the light of this, it is also our duty to help prevent the spread of this virus. As cases may start peaking in the UK over the next two weeks and beyond, which is as you know within the duration of the festival. We think it would be irresponsible of us to continue to encourage attendance and put our audiences, guests and staff at risk. This must be our priority.

Ticket refunds for our film programmes will be issued over the next couple of days, via eventbrite, and a further communication will be sent to buyers.

Please note: We will still be presenting the same festival of films, just at a later date, so this years great selections – and the programmes they are featured in, will remain the same.

In the meantime we would like to thank everyone for their messages of support and understanding during this time.


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