Spanish Shorts Programme (Cert 15) 11th May (3:30pm)

There’s romantic disillusionment and love gone sour, uncertain friendship and filial duty, an examination of the art of queuing, a parable about Fascism, and some insights into the acting profession, in this selection of the best new shorts from Spain.

Join us at the virtual theater on BingeWave at 3.30pm, Tuesday 11th May.


THE GOOD QUEUE (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri: Roger Giménez, Prod: David Plaza Medina, Animum Creativity Advanced School
Spain, 2018, 5 min, Cert PG
Greed and impatience are always bad impulses to follow.

MY DEAR BALL (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri / Prod: Gaizka Urresti
Spain, 2018, 14 min 45 sec, Cert PG
1975 The day that Franco dies there is no school. In a rural village, the children celebrate their day off with a football match. But the ball belongs to the notary’s son, and he sets the rules as he wants

I LOVE YOU TO THE DEATH  (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri / Prod: David Heredia
Spain, 2019, 11 min, Cert: 15
Sara and Alberto are in relationship therapy. A day that they both hoped would be very beautiful and special instead became a real ordeal…

WHY DO PEOPLE LIE? (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri: Dídac Cervera Casademont,  Wri: Joan Sanz, Prod: Yumagic & Trío de Doses
Spain, 2019, 13 min, Cert: 15
Javi’s mother suffers from schizophrenia and he is trying to persuade her that she needs to spend some time in hospital. The only problem is that she feels just fine right now, and is refusing to go…

BEST ACTRESS  (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri: Sadrak Zmork, Wri: Esther Gimeno, Prod: Diamantina Films
Spain, 2019, 8 min, Cert: 12A (FFF Rating)
Candy Lewis just won an important film award. Now it’s time for her acceptance speech…

THE DISTANCE (Greater Manchester Premiere)
Dir / Wri: Fernando Lorenzana, Prod: Pablo Campillo
Spain, 2018, 18 min, Cert 15
Inseparable friends Sara and Helena go for a bike ride together every afternoon. Today, however, their conversation brings to light some fears and insecurities that may affect their relationship.

I, MONSTER  (UK Premiere)
Dir / Wri / Prod: Paco Ruiz, Prod: Vibha D. M., Mario Carbajosa
Spain, 2019, 14 min 45 sec, Cert: 15
During his film career, he has killed hundreds. Always on the first take, without hesitation. But now, on the set of an American horror movie, he suddenly has doubts. He has forgotten how to be a monster… and how to be himself.

Dir / Wri: Teresa Bellón,César F. Calvillo, Prod: César F. Calvillo
Spain, 2018, 10 min 45 sec, Cert: 15 (F Rating)
Cristina has been in love with Juan Diego Botto since she saw the film “Stories from the Kronen” Tonight her dream has come true. She has a date with him. But she is about to learn that actors are often a disappointment offscreen…

TRT: 98 min

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