We are still taking submissions for the next edition of the festival and submissions will be open until the end of the year. Though we have still not presented our 16th edition due to Covid-19 we have to press ahead with entries for the next edition so we do not fall behind in the planning with a 6 month window to submit your films.

Our postponed 16th edition should take place late February (Covid permitting) or in the case that we still cannot present a live festival we are making plans for an online festival to take place end of February 2021.

Our 17th Edition is provisionally planned for October or November 2021 though this may change depending on how the situation develops. We hope that by this time next the virus will be beaten – or there may be a vaccine in place and that cinemas and festivals will be back to normal.

In the meantime, please submit your films during the current Regular deadline to get the best deal, and to help we have extended our 50% off discount code until the end of October, so now is the time to submit.

DISCOUNT CODE: 50percentoffKino

Kinofilm 17th Manchester International Short Film & Animation Festival proudly accepts entries on FilmFreeway, the world’s #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.


Remember if you subscribe to the FFW Gold membership you can claim further exclusive discount submitting to Kinofilm as we are a GOLD rated festival on FFW.

Good Luck and stay safe.

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