30th May 14 Festival Programmes, Women and British Shorts

Two great programmes tonight at Three Minute Theatre, Free Tickets can be booked in advance via our Event Brite page.

WOMEN IN FILM (Cert 15) @ Three Minute Theatre

Friday, 30th May, 6.00pm

A compilation of shorts designed to illustrate the diverse talent of contemporary women filmmakers. Maria Cifuentes visualizes a woman’s body as a canvas to explore her inner life in ‘Despertar’(Awakening), Mischa Jakupcak delicately captures a father’s relationship with his child in ‘The Hero Pose’, whilst the power games of childhood are explored in the eerie atmosphere of an old attic in Esther Lowe’s dreamlike ‘Merry-Go-Round’. Full Details here.

BRITISH NEW WAVE SHORTS PROGRAMME 2 (Cert 15) @ Three Minute Theatreat 8.30pm

Our second selection of home grown talent from the UK includes the Horton Brothers hilarious zombie spoof ‘Get Some’ starring John Hannah, and new improv-based drama from Dan Kokotaijlo in relationship disaster short ‘Off Yer ‘Ead’ featuring Andrew Shim (This is England). Full details here.

Get Some

Get some

Piano and Soul

Piano and Soul

I'll Be Here All Night

I’ll Be Here All Night

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