Kinofilm Festival is pleased to announce edition 70 of our KINO SHORTS NorthWest filmmakers event in Manchester, taking place Wednesday 21st Sept at Mini Cine,[…]
KINOFILM Festival Presents KINO SHORTS – WED 27th APRIL 2022, 7.30pm Kinofilm Festival is pleased to announce the relaunch of our KINO SHORTS NorthWest filmmakers[…]
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT RE. FESTIVAL DATES KINOFILM™ will present its 16th short film festival, Manchester International Short Film and Animation Festival from Saturday 21st March to[…]
Following November’s 14th Kinofilm Festival we announced our winners and special mentions on our Facebook page. We are pleased to announce here the award winners and Special mentions[…]
Kicking of at 12.00 noon screening and discussion of local filmmaker Jason Wingard’s first feature IN ANOTHER LIFE. Following the screening Jason and co-producer Hannah[…]
Submissions only now via arrangement and deadline waivers. ****Update 18th July*** Submissions to this year’s festival are now closed, thanks to all the filmmakers that[…]
Here’s a selection of posters from the films we showed in this year’s festival. Some really great art work.
Mon 22nd Feb, Central Library 6.00pm Tickets for Monday available now here. Tues 23rd Feb, Central Library 2.00pm (repeat screening) Tickets for Tue available here[…]
Mon 22nd 2.00pm at Central Library Kino Tales 1: COMEDY SHORTS 1 Tickets available here There’s triumph over adversity, muscle, music, unfortunate[…]
Kinofilm Festival Manchester Diary – 22nd-28th February Plan your festival diary here, you can also download a festival diary by clicking on this Programme Calendar[…]
Do you want to become part of the 14th edition of Kinofilm Festival 2017? We are urgently seeking volunteers to help with the planning of[…]
Update 20th July: SPECIAL OFFERS! So this week we are doing our bit to offer short flimmakers and animators a great deal in the final[…]
Tonight (WED) at Three minute theatre Manchester. It’s that time again: Manchester’s Kino presents the Northwest’s longest running short film night (1995 – 2014), Don’t[…]
KINO SHORTS TONIGHT ! Wed 25th June 2014 @ the Three Minute TheatreKino Shorts is back with a fantastic programme tonight at 3MT, which is[…]
Three Minute Wonders (Cert 15) @ Gullivers Sunday 1st June – 1.00pm Homey Dir/Writ; Ben Garfield, Prod; Harriet Harper-Jones, London, 2012, 2:57 mins. Homey is about[…]
NORTH WEST SHORTS (Cert 15) @ Anthony Burgess Centre Sunday 1st June, 6.15pm North West Shorts presents a diverse selection from the current crop of[…]
Student Shorts (Cert 15) @ Three Minute Theatre Monday 2nd June – 6.00pm Give us a round of applause for the debut works of these student[…]
To check the screening times and venues see the full calendar here. For details of what’s on check back soon and for details of the[…]
Kino Shorts is this WED 26th at the Three Minute Theatre in Manchester. Some great films in store. Here’s the programme confirmed for Kino 46[…]
A selection of the photos taken at Kino Shorts last week at the Three Minute Theatre in Manchester on 29th January 2014. Was a fantastic[…]
Media commentator and Kino host John Robb interviewing Maxine Peake after a screening of the feature film “Edge”, directed by Carol Morley and starring Maxine[…]
This Wed 11th Sept. Kino present Kino Shorts 40, Manchester and North West Short Film Showcase. The event takes place at the Three Minute Theatre[…]
At Kino we have services we can hire out mainly around doing pop-up screening or event programming and management. We can hire you a digital[…]
Festival Overview Kinofilm Manchester European Short Film Festival – MANCHESTER (2013/14)) Please note the Festival provisionally dated for Nov 2013 has been moved to[…]
We are now accepting entries for our next season which will continue throughout 2014 on the last Wednesday of each month (except August) at the[…]
Ok we have been a bit quite this month, having a much earned rest but we will be back with Kino Shorts 38 next Wednesday[…]