Posts by John

Submissions Now Open: 16th Edition 2019/20

jonkino / May 24, 2018 Submissions to our 16th Anniversary Edition taking place from 26th Feb – 1st March 2020 are now open, firstly on FilmFreeway platform.[…]

A Special Thanks To Everyone That Made The 15th Edition Happen!

Kino would like to thank the many volunteers who gave their time and effort in the weeks prior to and during the festival, without which[…]

KINOFILM 15th Edition Award Winners, Runners Up and Special Mentions

As the 15th Edition of KINOFILM Festival comes to a close, it’s time to look back and reflect on the amazing array of short films[…]

Closing Weekend and a bumper packed day starts at 12noon 1/12/18.

We have a packed day of films today with 9 programmes of mind blowing, ground breaking short films.. Come on down and enjoy our British[…]

Fri 30th Nov Women in Film – on offer at NIAMOS from 12noon

In addition to our spectacular Animation day at Partisan today (Friday 30th) we have another super day on offer today at Niamos, with our special[…]

*UPDATE* Animation Showcase on Friday at Partisan

Friday is our spectacular Animation Showcase! We’re hosting the selection of Programmes from 12 – 9:30pm at the wonderful venue Partisan Collective in Green Quarter,[…]

Get Ready! The Opening Gala is here! (24/11 6.30-11pm)

It’s Sat the 24th November and it’s time for our opening night at the great new and historic venue NIAMOS (formally Nia Centre/BBC Playhouse/Grand Junction[…]

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Festival Venues & Ticket Prices

VENUES, BOOKINGS & TICKET PRICES Main Venues: NIAMOS, Radical Cultural Arts Centre,  Chichester Rd/Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU Tel 07717 848497, Tickets £5 (Full) £4[…]

Education Event / Feature: The Subject Screening and Q&A with Sarah Barker Friday 30/11/18 at 1.30pm

The Subject Screening and Q&A with Sarah Barker  Get Tickets here 1.30pm-3.30pm – NIAMOS Screen 2, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU As part of our[…]

Official Festival Trailer

It is with great pleasure, we can share with you all the Official 2018 Festival Trailer. It provides a mere snapshot of what will be shown[…]

Festival Awards & Closing Gala – 02/12/18

Join us at the 15th edition of the KINOFILM Awards Gala as we acknowledge and celebrate the standout films of this year’s festival across 11[…]

Partner Festivals ‘Best of the Fest’ – 28/11/18

Following on from the Film Formula and Meet the Festivals events throughout Wednesday (information for these can be found here), you now have the knowhow and understanding or[…]

KINOFILM 19, Manchester European Short Film Festival May 2024


kinofilm festival

Education Events – Monday 26th November 2018, 12-3pm at Niamos

Transitions Panel  Free Tickets here 12.00-1.30pm – NIAMOS Screen 2, Chichester Road, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU  Join us as we speak to filmmakers who have[…]

Granada Centre of Visual Anthropology Showcase – Tuesday 27th November 2018

Angela Torresan discusses how the Granada Centre of Visual Anthropology members combine audio-visual media and anthropology in their practice 11.30am-1pm – NIAMOS Screen 2, Chichester Road,[…]


Education Events – Wednesday 28th November 2018

Morning Coffee + Networking  10.30am – NIAMOS, Chichester Road, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU Join us before the day’s events begin for a caffeine injection[…]

Education Events – Thursday 29th November 2018

Morning Coffee + Networking 10am – NIAMOS, Chichester Road, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU Join us before the day’s events begin for a caffeine injection and[…]

Education Events – Friday 30th November 2018

Morning Coffee + Networking  11am – NIAMOS, Chichester Road, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU Join us before the day’s events begin for a caffeine injection[…]

Visual Anthropology World – Documentaries 27/11/18

A selection of recent short films from the MA students in Visual Anthropology that will take us into the social and cultural lives of people[…]

Education Events/ Feature: Eaten By Lions – Sat 1st Dec 2018 at 1pm

Eaten by Lions Feature Screening and Q&A with Jason Wingard Get Tickets here 1-3.30pm – NIAMOS Screen 1, Chichester Street, Warwick St, Manchester M15 5EU  Jason’s[…]

falling stars kinofilm

British Students – 01/12/18 at 12noon

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) There’s bureaucratic nightmare and brutal bereavement, maximum penalties paid and afterhours liaisons made,[…]

rem kinofilm

POLISH PROGRAMME 2 – Students 27/11/18

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) We’ve delusions of grandeur and lives of cloistered contemplation, dreams given form and[…]

Lundi kinofilm

International Student 27/11/18

Please note the screening time of this programme has changed from 4pm to 6pm Alienated teens and abandoned lovers, filial responsibility and parental failings, a[…]

Iranian Cinema Day: Feature & 2 Shorts Programmes 25/11/18

Following last year’s successful focus on New Iranian Cinema by the countries new young directors we dedicate a whole day to Iranian Cinema in the[…]

Opening Gala Screening 24/11/18 at 8.00pm


WOMEN IN FILM 3 – International Two 30/11/18 at 8.30pm

We’ve erotic anticipation and the tawdry reality, romantic imagination and a sour reawakening, village gossip and a teenage rebellion, a birthday message and a night[…]

aamir kino film festival

WOMEN IN FILM 2 – UK 30/11/18 at 6.00pm

A face from the past, and a confused recollection, the pursuit of nirvana and a chance of salvation, youthful dreams and ambitions and the tyranny[…]

love me fear me kino film women

WOMEN IN FILM 1 – International One 30/11/18 at 4.00pm

The pressures of childhood and the perils of peer groups, the search for the self and conformity conquered, self-mythologising machismo and one last great romantic[…]

LGBT Shorts Programme 01/12/18 at 6.00pm

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) There’s young love and sexual experimentation, tourism and flirtation, punk rock, magic, morticians,[…]

top 10 kino

Alumni Programme 01/12/18 at 2.00pm

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) Advisory Cert 15 Sat 1st Dec 2.00 NIAMOS 2, Chichester Rd/Warwick St, Manchester M15[…]

Refugees 29/11/18

What does it mean to be a refugee? To lose everything – home, country, friends, family. To gamble everything on the hope of a new[…]

Microshorts 28/11/18

Sometimes, brevity is the soul of wit. And of concise and incisive filmmaking. This programme is designed to demonstrate this. We’ve mobile phone films and[…]

Experimental Shorts 26/11/18 – 4pm at Niamos sc2

There’s repressed emotions and subconscious animals, mental illness in a hand-painted realm, the parasitical pathology of a hypochondriac, a compulsive cuboid’s battle with a belligerent[…]

Middle Eastern 01/12/18 at 4pm

(Please Note the venue has changed from GOODSTOCK to NIAMOS Screen 2) A selection of tales of childhood; of innocence lost and found, of dreams[…]

Horror Shorts 29/11/18

There’s malevolent social media and toxic technology, the horrors of alienation and the terrors of too much interaction, a visit to an oracle and a[…]

Fantasy and Sci-Fi 27/11/18 & 29/11/18

We’ve mermaids and angels, sea monsters and alien abductions, a macabre model village and a bus ride to the future, a nightmarish job interview and[…]

Romantic Tales 28/11/18

There’s young love in Tuscany and a chaotic classroom cupid, a lazy morning after, and a bittersweet comedown, classical literature come to life, and a[…]

Kino Noir 28/11/18

There’s wise guys in crisis and young men out of their depth, robberies gone wrong and suicides gone South, a journey into the night and[…]